Charity Work – Izzy Stibbs (LS & M 10) raises over £2000 for Blood Cancer UK

First published 15th August 2022

On the 20th August, Izzy Stibbs (LS & M 10) and her friend Evie ran the Reykjavik marathon in Iceland in support of Blood Cancer UK. Initially aiming to raise at least £1500 they managed to raise over £2000

The pair rand the full 26 miles (42 km) so please get behind them if you can.

Blood cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the UK (40,000 diagnosed every year) and the most prevalent type of cancer amongst children. The two young runners are passionate to do their bit to help those affected, with any money raised going towards funding world-class research alongside providing access to vital support.

Breaking into uncharted territory

As Izzy (runner 1134 above in Iceland) says, ” Both of us (Evie is 1135) have grown up playing Netball, so 42km is very much uncharted territory – as our respective Strava accounts will show. There is no doubt this will be a great physical and mental challenge for us, however we know neither of us will let the other stop running so we are very much in this together. 

After a busy few months juggling CFA exams, netball and work, a well deserved rest was not on the agenda!

We are extremely grateful for all the donations received – this was our motivation to keep going and help us get over the finish line!”

Learn more about Izzy’s run and Blood Cancer UK

Blood Cancer UK, is a UK-based charity dedicated to funding research into all blood cancers including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma, as well as offering information and support to blood cancer patients. Every pound raised will be invaluable in their research.

See Izzy’s Just Giving page here for more information about her run and those whoe supported her.

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