Health & Wellbeing: Levitate

Ryan Nell (Tr 95) runs Levitate, a meditation and wellbeing studio with services designed, as he says, to help busy minds to unwind.

Image of Ryan Nell of Levitate


Ryan and the Levitiate team teach jargon-free in-person and online classes, as well as offering a huge library of on demand classes, along with private nutrition, coaching, yoga and meditation consultations.

Everything Levitate does is designed to provide everyday enlightenment and bring meaning to your life.

You can choose from a range of packages and services to suit you – and, crucially, find the calm, connection and community you’re searching for.

Find out more…

If you need to find a way to unwind, please do contact Ryan today – OHs can also save 20% on a Levitate package too! 

  • Visit Levitate – here
  • Email Levitate – here 
  • Phone here: 020 3026 1038
  • Contact Address: Levitate, 3 Sprules Road, London SE4 2NL

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March 2023