Charity Work – Greig Macpherson (Tr 71) raises over £3000 for Prostate Cancer UK

OH Greig MacPherson (Tr 71) commemorated his 65th birthday by walking 11,000 steps a day every day of March as part of “March the Month” to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK. 

His target was £3000 and we were delighted that the OH community came together to help Greig raise £3113! As Greig says,

“424,607 is my final step count for March. That’s about 2,500 steps a day over the 11,000 required. That’s well over 300 miles in, shall we say, not the kindest of weather! I cannot thank you enough for your support. It is a tragedy that a man dies every 15 minutes from this disease in the UK.

Every penny helps.

Thank you all.

No easy task…

Undertaking this challenge is no easy task. Greig suffers from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease which severely hampers breathing. It’s incurable and when combined with his Chronic Sleep Apnea, breathing can become a real trial. Despite this, or maybe because of this, he is walking 11,000 steps a day throughout March for Prostate Cancer UK. 

“Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK, killing one man every 45 minutes. It’s killing dads, partners, sons, brothers, grandads, uncles and mates. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I’m raising money to help fund lifesaving research for men and their families affected by this terrible disease”.

Greig Macpherson (Tr 71)

Please support Greig

Greig is a Haileyburian through and throught. Not only is he a former member of Haileybury Council and Life Governors, his family has a long association with Haileybury.

Please support him in this worthwhile cause by donating all you can on his charity page here.

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March 2023