Foundation Day 2024

On Saturday 21st September 2024 110 Society Members and their guests were welcomed back to Haileybury for a jointly hosted event.

We were very lucky that the weather chose to be very kind to us on the day! The Society would like to thank Chair of Council Martin Rayfield, Master Eugene du Toit and his wife Angela, Second Master Simon Heard, members of SLT, Director of Heritage Toby Parker, Director of Music Richard Brain and College Organist Samuel Ali, Director of Development and Engagement Amy Ledingham, Head of Events Laura Paine, the Catering team, pupil tour guides and everyone at Haileybury who came together to make this such a special event.

A warm welcome

We gathered first in the Attlee Room (the old Reading Room) for coffee and pastries, with guests being welcomed warmly back to Haileybury.

House Tours

With all the House flags displayed on Terrace in the late Summer sunshine, a selection of pupil-led House tours enabled OHs and former staff to view the Houses. This was very well-received by our guests, with comments such as ‘special thanks to our pupil guide for our personalised tour’.

Chapel Service

An uplifting and carefully choreographed Service of Thanksgiving in Chapel was led by OHs Luke Miller (H 79), Archdeacon of London and past President of the Society and his son Stephen Miller (LS & L 09), curate of St John’s, W12. Keeping it in the family, the Intercessions were read by Luke’s sister Anne Taylor (nee Miller) (Aby & H 84).

Stephen gave a warm welcome and Luke’s homily began with a description of the Latin inscription on the form room block arch facing the Avenue – the main entrance to Haileybury which translates to ‘A great opportunity is open before me’. There are all sorts of opportunities for pupils at Haileybury – academic, sporting and cultural – as they enter the school under the arch. These opportunities lead to success in all kinds of human endeavour when pupils leave and as Old Haileyburians have shown what they have done with these opportunities. Luke described how the school’s founders determined the firm Christian basis and how this and a spirit of service and vocation, the root of all wellbeing, is carried forward through the generations. Luke later described that as you leave Haileybury, the words of Jesus on the other side of the form room block arch translate to ‘freely you have received freely give’. He ended with looking up to the inscription around the dome of Chapel, from Psalm 145, words of hope from a psalm that goes on to say ‘one generation must tell the next’ which is the continuing task by word and example of Old Haileyburians to show those that come after us what is true success.

 The first lesson, Romans 12: 3-18, was read by Society President Lizzie Graham (K 76 & Alb) and the second,  Matthew 10: 1-8, was read by the Master, Eugene du Toit.

OHs who had sung with the choir whilst pupils at Haileybury and still able to read music were invited by the new Director of Music Richard Brain to join the current Chamber Choir and participate fully in the choral offering, which they all loved. With the Haileybury Chapel organ played wonderfully well throughout by the new College Organist, Samuel Ali, the choir sang the anthem The Lord Bless Thee and Keep Thee (Sir John Rutter) beautifully and the congregation joined in with hymns – the School hymn Lift Up Your Hearts (H Montagu Butler, set to Woodlands by Walter Greatorex), Guide me O thou Great Redeemer (P. W. Williams, set to J Hughes) and Jerusalem (William Blake, set to Sir Hubert Parry).

Drinks in the Master’s garden

From chapel guests made their way to the Master’s Lodge, where we enjoyed canapes and drinks in the garden.


A delicious buffet lunch was served in the Attlee Room and followed by speeches from the Master, the President of the Haileybury Society and the Chair of Governors.

Speaking first, the Master Eugene du Toit welcomed everyone to Haileybury’s first Foundation Day, saying that the day gave the opportunity to celebrate Haileybury’s values, traditions and legacy, united in our shared affection for our great school and a commitment to provide for future generations. He said that one of his priorities as the new Master is to work closely with the Haileybury Society, stating ‘I wish to state plainly today that we are committed to playing a positive role in fostering a strong and lasting relationship between the school and the Society.’

The Haileybury Society President, Lizzie Graham (K 76 & Alb) thanked the Master for the warm welcome. She also thanked Luke and Stephen Miller for the service in Chapel, together with Doug and Jane Everard, Ashley Locke, Toby Parker and the school team for their work in organising the day.

Martin Rayfield, Chair of Council, spoke to add his welcome saying that the governors and the school have a tightrope to walk to balance the needs of the here and now with the correct strategy for the future whilst honouring the legacy and traditions of the past. He said he believed they are doing a good job, citing the growth of the school, increased international school presence, fully educational, the major investment in SciTech, the research programme with Stanford, elite sport, music, drama, etc etc …………… He said alumni are vital to this and that he felt quite certain that ongoing conversations with the Society will be successful.

Archives Reveal and tour of the Kipling Exhibition in Clock House

 In the Library, Dr Toby Parker, Director of Heritage, spoke to the assembled guests about a recent auction purchase for the Haileybury Archives which was on display, three volumes of photographs from the early 20th century.

Guests then accompanied Dr Parker to Clock House to view the Kipling Exhibition.


Guests were able to support the school’s teams playing rugby (u/16s v Reed’s School on Terrace), lacrosse v Stowe and hockey v Felsted on the astroturf.

Our thanks

The Society was delighted to be able to take part in this very special day. Here is a selection of lovely comments from attendees –

What a great day! Thank you so much for organising the Foundation Day visit programme – it was excellent. Although I was the only one from my House present from the ‘old days’, at least there were some OHs present from my era. Perhaps you would be kind enough to convey my thanks to The Master and the staff at Haileybury for providing us OHs with such a memorable day. (E 52)

The heartiest of congratulations on yesterday!  It was a really lovely occasion, friendly, relaxed and most inspiring. The new Master infused us all with a renewed sense of hope with his friendliness and cordial welcoming.  The second Master was extremely helpful and kind too. (Former staff)

It was such a pleasure to be with you all on Saturday. Thank you so much for inviting me. I caught up with so many members of staff who have been very important in the lives of my family. (former parent)

Thank you to you and to those working with you for such a very enjoyable Foundation Day at Haileybury on Saturday. My goodness it was carefully arranged, and all went so well to time. For the house tour, it was a particular pleasure not only to go round with a contemporary but also with one of the first girls in the house who was able share things from a different perspective.  Also, our guide was an excellent host, showing us how things are now. The Thanksgiving Service was a beautiful service.  The arrangements for the Reception and the Buffet Luncheon were generous, and a great opportunity to meet both those I know and others I have not met before.  The Archives ‘Reveal’ afterwards showed the way in which Toby continues to support the Society by sharing something of the depth of Haileybury’s history.  It was a great pleasure to meet the new Master, and to hear him speak.  What he said sounded very encouraging, as did what the new Chair of Governors said.  All in all, it was an excellent day.  Congratulations, and thank you again. (A 61)

Just a note to say how much I enjoyed Saturday. It was great to catch up with some old friends and it was lovely to see Haileybury looking so good. Many thanks for organising it. (Tr 63)

Many thanks for arranging such a superb event yesterday. I thoroughly enjoyed it: it was great to see the school and also meet up with some new OH faces. (B 71)

That was a splendid, thoroughly enjoyable and very interesting event yesterday, so well thought out and beautifully executed. Huge thanks to you and indeed to everybody involved. What good news that the school is going to pursue a strong and active relationship with the Society. (BF 52)

Huge thanks for organising such a successful day yesterday; I enjoyed it enormously! Here’s to the next one! (K & Alb 85)

You and your team and staff laid on a lovely day yesterday. Thank you all. We were lucky with the weather! (M 65)

Many thanks for working so hard to make the day very successful and enjoyed by everyone who attended. (K 61)

What struck me so clearly on this visit was a more profound understanding of what all those years had meant. In those early years you could not absorb all that Haileybury was offering, all it stood for, but on Saturday at chapel, in all the meeting, in the generous provision and hospitality I could grasp that and felt a new gratitude. I am sure that so many who attended will have had the same experience as I had. The day was a great occasion, one I hope you feel you can repeat. (A 49)

Thank you for organising such a wonderful day on Saturday. The organisation was fantastic, the catering wonderful. Most of all I enjoyed the Ohs talking about their days at school. The whole day was truly memorable. (Alb 88)

A huge Thank You for all your hard work and expert planning in the organisation of a wonderful day last week. You even managed to organise perfect weather! We all had a lovely time. (M 74)

Thank you for all that you did to ensure a wonderful day which we much enjoyed and appreciated. (Former staff)

Yesterday was wonderful! Thank you so much! (C 00)

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September 2024

Unless otherwise stated, all content and images on this website and blog © The Haileybury Society, 2024, all rights reserved

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