Richard Zeidler (C 51) – entrepreneur and popular golfer

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The Haileybury Society is saddened to learn of the death of Richard Frank Louis Zeidler (C 51) who has died on the 21st November 2015, aged 78.

Richard lived his early life in London, survived the Blitz, and attended Haileybury & Imperial Service College. He trained as an Electronics Engineer and joined EMI where he started his first career selling and installing large TV station equipment around the world, including South Africa and South America. He married Jill, and they lived in Australia and Malaysia before returning to the UK.

A second career

His second career started when he left EMI to set up Ace Office Cleaners, which over 15 years he built into a company employing over 2,000 people. He was an avid golfer and as the men’s captain of the Beaconsfield Golf Club, UK, he was invited to Canada to play in the Phoenix Invitational, where he met Maureen. They married in 1985 and this was the start of his third career as a travel consultant.

He established Voyages Different and specialised in building cruise holidays for his many clients. He could be heard every Sunday morning on the CJAD travel slot with Dave Fisher, which ran for 20 years.

Larger than life

Richard was a “larger than life” character, adventurous, optimistic and with a great sense of mischief and fun. He was generous and loved entertaining and was incredibly proud of all his family and grandchildren.

The Haileybury Society sends its deepest condolences Richard’s wife Maureen, three sons, Geoffrey, Michael and Philip, four step sons Darrell, Howard, Warren and Kevin Huxham and eighteen grand children. For them, and his many friends around the world, his life provided much to celebrate.

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December 2016

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