Help Nicky Dawson (HM Allenby) raise £20,000 for HYT and Restart Lives

Image of people sleeping out for charity.

On Friday 8th December 2023 Allenby HM Nicky Dawson (C 00) and over 66 pupils from Allenby and Bartle Frere will be sleeping out on London’s streets in aid of the Haileybury Youth Trust (HYT) and the homelessness charity, Restart Lives.

The team is seeking an ambitious £20,000 and need the help of the OH community in helping them achieve their target. Already, Nicky and pupils from Allenby and Bartle Frere have received over £3000 in donations but clearly they need more if they are to be successful.

Image of Nicky Dawson (HM Allenby)

Help Nicky and her team raise £20,000

Nicky Dawson (HM Allenby) (C 00) is no stranger to fundraising. In 2022, she and a group of Allenby girls slept out in London in support of the Haileybury Society’s Arm in Arm campaign in aid of Rob Butt (B 86). Unperturbed, she’s doing it all over again! Please donate what you can for two very good causes!

More about Restart Lives and HYT

Restart Lives is a London-based charity which creates safe places for people to rebuild their lives after periods of sleeping rough. More here

Haileybury Youth Trust supports communities in Africa, with an emphasis on helping communities deliver a sustainable approach to building and vocational training. More here

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November 2023

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