John Rodger Kenneth – “Rodger” – Doig (BF 46) was born on 6th May 1932 at Grimsby, Lincolnshire and at Haileybury played in the XV of 1948-49, captaining the side in 1950. He was later to serve as a Second Lieutenant for the Seaforth Highlanders attached to the Black Watch. Mentioned in despatches, he was later killed in action in Korea on 18th November 1952.

On the fiftieth anniversary of his death, an event coveredThe Haileyburian, his loss was marked by a simple but moving service in his honour at Tealby in Lincolnshire, home of Rodger’s brother Kenneth. As well as a commemorative plaque, a Korean fir tree was planted in his honour. The service was preceeded by a march through the village led by members of the local branch of the British Korean Veterans’ Association with a piper from the Black Watch.
Attending this service was the first duty carried out by the late Michael Freegard (BF 47) in his role as President of the Haileybury Society, whose Head of House Rodger had been in 1950. Other OHs present were Hugh Greatwood (B 45) who had played in the XV with Rodger in 1949, and Marcus West (BF 48). Past President Sir John Manuell (BF 42), who had been Rodger’s Head of House when he first arrived at Haileybury, was unable to attend but sent a message of regret.
Now, some seventy years after Rodger’s Death, we continue to remember his loss and ensure that his sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
About the Roll of Honour
The information in this article forms part of a wider project for Old Haileyburians to submit information of family members who died on military service and who are commemorated in our Roll of Honour. Our Roll of Honour page enables you also to supply information about your own family members who died on active service.