Following our recent request for missing back issues of The Haileyburian, The Haileybury Society was delighted to be contacted by Michael Pinfold (E 60), who not only donated his own collection of issues but was also prompted to tell us a little more about his school years.
Michael was prompted in particular to write about his time with the CCF. As he writes,
“Back in the dark ages, the Combined Cadet Force was an integral part of Haileybury life. I don’t know if it continues to be the case but in the past there were two inter-house CCF competitions; the Shield for “Juniors” and the Bugle for “Seniors”. I have forgotten the criteria but maybe it was Fifth form for Juniors and Sixth Form for Seniors.
In any event, Edmonstone won the Shield and Bugle in successive years – 1961 and 1962. It was a “Big Deal” for the then housemaster as he was a war veteran. The photographic evidence reveals our success (see below).
Above: winning the CCF Shield in 1961:
Standing (l-r): D H King (E 60); A C N Gray (E 59); J H Stride (E 59); E W Porter (E 60) (now deceased); S W Urry (E 60); O H Whitlock (E 60); M Pinfold (E 60)
Seated (l-r) P A Kenyon-Muir (E 59); R Evens (E 59); L A Leney (E 57); R J Chambers (E 59); B C Hamilton (E 59) (now deceased)
Whilst I can name all my contemporaries in the Shield photograph, I am uncertain of the identity of the corporal who the following year won the Bugle, by which time he had been promoted to sergeant – so L A Leney is an informed guess! Please don’t ask me to identify everyone in the Bugle photograph (below) but I do recognise many of the faces besides those from the previous year’s photo (I am in the centre of the back row).
Above: Edmonstone House Bugle winners 1962 – can you identify any of those shown in the photograph above?
One thought: all the Quad Houses had approximately 50 boys but counting the people in the photos there are only 40. However, the CCF was compulsory – and, for the Bugle, Houses were unable to exclude any cadets who had “two left feet”! I can’t believe there were ten or so absentees through injury or illness as throughout my time there were no serious epidemics threatening the entire school. A mystery which, with the passing of time, will no doubt now never be solved!”
Can you name any of the boys in the Bugle photograph?
If you can shed any light on what happened to the Edmonstone Ten, or indeed can name any of the House Bugle winners not referred to in the article, please do get in contact with us (here) so we can add the information to this article. Equally, if this story has prompted your own Haileybury memories which you would like to share with us, we would also be pleased to hear from you and share your stories with fellow OHs.
Above: just some of Michael’s collection of The Haileyburian which he donated to the Society’s archive
An update
Since this article appeared we have heard from Peter Kenyon Muir (E 59) who has added some names to the faces in the photograph as well as sending an additional photograph of Edmonstone boys from 1961 which other members may wish to add to in terms of identifying OHs not listed by Peter.
(Above: names identified or suggested by Peter Kenyon-Muir)
(Above: Edmonstonians from 1961 identified by Peter Kenyon-Muir)
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