John Hex (Tr 44) – MD and consultant with love of sport

the late John Hex (Tr 44)

The Haileybury Society is saddened to learn of the death of John Robert Hex (Tr 44) who has died on 19th July 2020, aged 89.

(Above: John in happier times, sporting his Haileybury credentials on his hat)

John had very fond memories of Haileybury; he played rugby for the school and was a keen cricketer. As the photograph (above) shows, he sported a Haileybury Country tie around his hat in recognition of his alma mater. 

National Service and founding a company

After school he completed his National Service with the Suffolk regiment, leading actions in Malaya. Returning to the UK, he eventually founded and was the Managing Director for Tenon Contracts, a national office partitions manufacturer. He sold this in 1972 and then set up a design-led sales business, focussed on office and audio storage. 

In South Africa and cheering for England

After entering semi retirement in the late 1980s, he became secretary of Henley Golf Club in 1989 and when he finally retired for good in 1992, he moved to Cape Town  where he continued to enjoy playing golf for many years, wines and cheering for England in any sporting event against his adopted country.

He is survived by his 4 children, Adrian (Tr 71), Nicholas (Tr 74) Dominic and Louise, together with 4 grandchildren.

(Above: a sporting cap once worn by John with pride)

Sadly, according to his son Nicholas (who wrote confirming John’s death) Covid19 meant than none of the family could be with him at the end although they kept in regular contact via FaceTime.

In due course, his ashes will be returned to the UK to be scattered off the Sappers Suspension Bridge over the river Conwy in Bettws y Coed.  Whilst at Dulwich Prep School, John was evacuated to this wonderful part of Britain during the war and retained very happy memories of his time there. 

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July 2020

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