From BBC producer to career adviser at Wellingborough – Joanne Matthews (Alb&Tr 82) tells her story

Young and old Haileybury girls meet at party

The Haileybury Society’s celebration of the fifty years since girls joined Haileybury has also been one of the achievements of OH women in society. We were delighted therefore to hear from Joanne Matthews (nee Drake) (Alb, A & Tr 82) about her career since leaving Haileybury all those years ago…

Gap year to India on a pound a day!

After leaving Haileybury, through the School contacts as an Imperial College  I went to India on a gap year with OH Charlie Sanders ( Albans) and we taught  at  D.P.S  and the Poona School, two  prestigious schools in India. 

I taught Five year olds songs and stories and as well as teaching them all the wrong notes I made a life long friend who was a Bridesmaid at my wedding. We were lucky to travel round much of  India on a £1.00 a day and it was an experience that shaped my life in so many ways.

University, marriage and the BBC

I then went to Nottingham University to study Geography where I was fortunate to meet my non-Haileybury husband, Peter. ( Much to the shock of my Father who was the biggest fan of Haileybury and couldn’t imagine me marrying a Bradfordian)!!!

I spent my early career at the BBC becoming an Assistant Director /Producer for BBC events and Children’s television working on many iconic programmes including: The Royal  Tour to Russia; Come Dancing; Trooping the Colour; One man and his dog; Opening of the Channel Tunnel; Crimewatch; Pebble Mill at OneBlue Peter; Going Live and many more...

Overcoming challenges

I had an amazing time and went on to have an equally amazing time bringing up two children (and I know which used the most energy)!

There have, as always in life,  been more challenging times and a brain tumour on my pituitary gland has had its challenges but it hasn’t stopped me thanks to the support of a loving family and friends…

Career adviser at Wellingborough

More recently I have been a career adviser at Wellingborough and other local schools, realising the privilege of working with young people. Yes, even grunting teenagers are rewarding when you make them sit up ad think about their next journey and how their own individual transferable skills can lead to employment. Currently I am recovering  from moving house before embarking on the next project!

My Brother, David Drake (A 76), works for the Black Sea Development bank as a Solicitor and is living and working in Thessaloniki in Greece. He is happily married to Helen and  has three boys.

Young and old Haileybury girls meet at party
Joanne Matthews shares her experiences with younger OH women

Fabulous memories

It was fantastic to catch up with Masters and fellow pupils at The 50th reunion of girls where we shared many a story and were grateful for the fabulous transferable skills acquired during our time at the school.

I am sure our friendships will carry on though it wasn’t great being reminded that I walked through the entire school with my skirt tucked into my knickers – oh dear!

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