The LEO Computer - A Haileybury Society Zoom talk by Neville Lyons (Th 42). Wednesday 9th April 2025 at 2pm
The LEO Computer - A Haileybury Society Zoom talk by Neville Lyons (Th 42). Wednesday 9th April 2025 at 2pm
LEO: The Very First Business Computer
The story of LEO is an extraordinary one. The very first business computer was designed and manufactured, not by one of the electronics giants such as IBM, but by J Lyons & Co, better known for its Teashops and Corner House Restaurants, its Swiss Rolls and Fruit Pies. After World War 2, upward trend in office costs made the company realise that some form of automation was essential for processes such as stock control and pay-roll. There was nothing available at this time to meet their needs and so, with the self-assurance and innovative spirit which had become their trademark, they set about designing and building their own computer. They produced a working model in 3 years and called it LEO, aptly standing for Lyons Electronic Office. It achieved success and publicity beyond anyone’s wildest dreams.
Neville Lyons is a relative of the company’s co-founder Joseph Lyons. The illustrated presentation will describe how the project was conceived and progressed, some of the personalities involved and how some leading industrial companies and government departments seized upon the invention and purchased later models of this new ‘electronic brain’. A video will be shown featuring some of the personalities who were involved in the early days of LEO and who are still around to tell the tale.