As an independent registered Charity, managed by Trustees who are all Old Haileyburians, The Haileybury Society exists to support and serve all Haileyburians throughout their lives, irrespective of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation and with three core aims:
· To assist and promote educational objectives in connection with the School
· To form a bond of union between the School and the Society
· To develop and strengthen the spirit of service to the community.
Financial Support
Since 2002 over £1million of the Society’s charitable funds have been given in bursaries, grants and awards for the direct educational benefit of pupils at Haileybury, as well as other grants, such as those to Archives, the Library and the Chapel.
Grants and awards
The Haileybury Society provides a valuable support network for everyone in the Haileybury community and funds valuable initiatives within the College.

This includes grants, awards and bursaries as well as supporting school projects – in recent years we have helped fund the new Grubber to mark the 150th anniversary of the school, together with projects such as a flight simulator for CCF, a netball scoreboard, cricket covers and honour boards, the printing and publication of a pupils’ poetry magazine, and regular support to Archives, the Library and the Chapel.
Networking events and clubs
Peer support is a key part of membership. We hold various social events for members of all ages, including reunions back at Haileybury or themed events such as pub nights, museum visits, wine-tasting, to name a few examples.
We also host regional, national and international luncheons and dinners and hold business networking events throughout the year. Not forgetting our huge international presence with over 40 overseas secretaries offering help, networking and support for Haileyburyians wherever they are in the world.

Our OH Sports Clubs offer an extensive range of sporting opportunities for all ages, and represent the Society at prestigious national competitions – golf (the OHGS) in the Halford Hewitt, the Grafton Morrish and The Mellin, football in the Arthurian League, the Hermits in the Cricketer Cup, rackets in the Noel Bruce competition and the Veterans Rifles at the Bisley Veterans Public Schools annual competition.
The OHRFC, who have owned their own ground in Ewell for over eighty years, play rugby in the Surrey Leagues. We also have strong OH boys and girls Hockey teams who play at Haileybury in an annual Hockey Sixes Competition the brain-child of an OH Olympian Tony Nunn (Ha 41). The Old Haileyburian Masonic Lodge is also very active and hugely supportive of the school and the Society.
More about our charitable activities
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Haileybury is a co-educational boarding and day school in Hertfordshire. To find out more about the school and what it offers, please click the button below.