Haileybury Society AGM 2023 heralds a new era

Enjoying Lunch at the 2023 Haileybury Society AGM

OHs gathered in numbers once again for The Haileybury Society Annual General meeting in the East India Club in London on 2nd December.

Lizzie Graham delivers Presidents Statement at the AGM

After the presentation of the minutes of last year’s meeting, President Lizzie Graham (K & Alb 76) (left) delivered her statement, following which the meeting received the Trustees’ report and approved the Financial Statements for the previous year.

Following the Master’s report of developments at Haileybury itself, the meeting then approved changes to the rules of The Haileybury Society.

2023 also marked the year when two of its Trustees, Chris Darnell (M 65) and Nick Courtney (M 64), retired and new Trustees elected to the board; the meeting expressed its graditude to Chris and Nick for all their work on behalf of the Society over the last few years.

Chris Darnell and Nick Courtney
Above: Chris Darnell (M 65) (left) and Nick Courtney (M 64) (right), accompanied by their wives on the occasion of their retirement as Trustees.

The AGM was also please to approve new President-elect Fiona Illingworth (BF & A 76). Fiona’s biography, and those of all new Trustees can be found here.

With auditors appointed, the date of the next meeting agreed and discussion of any further business, the meeting closed and the assembled group retired to enjoy a warm buffet lunch.

Enjoying Lunch at the 2023 Haileybury Society AGM

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December 2023

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