Four OHs cycle to the source of the Nile to raise £4000 for refugee schools in Uganda

Image of Ed Brett (E 11)

Edmonstonians Sam King (E 12), Ryan O’Leary (E 11), Tom Smith (E 11) and Edmund Brett (E 11) are gearing up for an incredible adventure pay for the construction of two water tanks at the Bidi Bidi refugee centre in Uganda.

The four will be cycling a gruelling 413 miles (661 km) from Bidi Bidi refugee settlement to the source of the Nile in Jinja, Uganda. The aim of this incredible feat is to raise funds for HYT’s ‘One Million Litres’ project that is installing water tanks in 50 refugee schools. The tanks will serve 65,000 children with safe water.  

Image of Water Tank funded by HYT
An example of the water tanks constructed with the help of HYT in Uganda

The journey promises to be an exhilarating and challenging one as they navigate Uganda’s undulating hills, along the banks of the river Nile, through areas where elephants rule the road, and all this under the equatorial sun. 

However, this fundraising initiative is about much more than just the adventure. The funds raised will go towards building water tanks for refugee children who are facing extreme water scarcity.

Bidi Bidi settlement is the second largest in the world, with over 230,000 refugees. The majority of these refugees are women and children who are facing numerous challenges, including lack of access to clean water.

How you can help

Each 20,000 litre tank costs £1,940 to install. The four’s target is to raise enough money to pay for the construction of two tanks, equal to £3,880.

Sam, Ryan, Tom and Ed have set up a Donorbox page called “Cycle to the Source” – please donate what you can to support them on their ride. You can support them here.

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