West Country Reunion

OHs from Devon, Cornwall and Somerset met up for lunch at the Ship Inn in Noss Mayo, Devon on 19th June 2024, hosted by Society Secretary Jane Everard (L 76 & Alb).

Over welcome drinks in glorious sunshine there was much to talk about, old friends re-united and new friends made.

Luncheon was served in the private ‘Glass House’ with individuals choosing from a varied menu, all beautifully cooked and served.

We were especially delighted to welcome Peter Johns (1989-2023, HM Bartle Frere) who retired to his native Cornwall last year after 34 years teaching at Haileybury. Peter was accompanied by his OH daughter Lottie (M 18), who left in 2023 and is currently at Newcastle University.

It was wonderful to see the interactions between OHs who hadn’t met up for nearly 60 years and to hear Haileybury memories and stories across the generations.

Instead of formal speeches there was talk across the tables after lunch to share updates on Haileybury and the Society.

Those members present were Charles Scott (Tr 57), Noel Oliver (B 62), Peter Johns (Honorary Member, Former Staff 89-2023), Lottie Johns (M 18), Christopher Lunn (B 62), Derek Pretty (L 61), Neil Whiteman (H 42), Irving Wells (L 63), Gerald Wilson (M 62), John Key (M 46), Doug Everard (BF 73), Jane Everard (L 76 & Alb)